Mindless violence rules!
Mindless violence rules!
This is so traced
Badly drawn pictures intermixed with graphics traced from DBZ. Was it just me or did the purple faced guy turn into Cell just before he died?
Everything a crappy NG trailer should be
From the badly tweened text, to the horrible music, vomit-inducing pictures without any real animation, and the "Coming Next Year" message, this movie has it all. And to top it all off, RENAMED DBZ CHARACTERS!!!
No NG experience is complete without voting 0 on a crappy trailer. BLAM!
The good, the bad, and the ugly...
The Good: the quality of your artwork and animation was beyond reproach. Most people's first flash movie on NG consists of motion tweening badly drawn, detached body parts. Yours was a full fledged frame-by-frame animation with awesome graphics, choreography, and action.
The Bad: the pace of the movie was too slow for an action film. Large parts of the movie was spent on exposition and building up the plot, when it would have been far more effective to jump right into the action. As good as the animation was, the viewer's adrenaline never gets pumping.
The Ugly: The plot. Don't get me wrong, the quality of your writing was very good. The idea was intriguing, there were no plot holes, and the writing style was very nice. BUT! This is not an english class! The voicework was horrible, and the fact that you couldnt skip it means that 90% of viewers would be bored outta their minds be4 reaching the good stuff.
Final thought: remember that your duty is to entertain the viewer, not to develope a whole movie complete with plot, dialogue, and character developement. The movie should be 80% action and 20% plot, not the other way around.
They're losing their touch..
This pales in comparison to the first DFL to hit Newgrounds, the humor is much more forced and Tako does a lot more cooking than getting maimed for our general amusement, but you know what? This still kicks the ass of 99.99% of the crap that passes for Flash on this site! 10!
Submit Yukino!
The submitter probaly didn't make this flash, but that's ok, RZ-Consent ranks among my favorite flash artists, and any exposure here in the US is a good thing.
This flash is, in fact, not the greatest that RZ-Consent made. That honor belongs to Yukino, one of the greatest flash animations ever created. You can find it at
www.geocities.co.jp/MotorCity -Rally/9538/yukino.swf, or by searching "Yukino flash" on google.com. Right click and save to desktop to watch. Someone submit this!
The frame by frame of the paper folding into the crane was, hands down, the most skillful use of shadows I've seen in a Flash Movie. Did the origami book you were looking at have the gradients, or did you create them out of thin air?
I actually used an Origami book for resources, and reproduced what I saw.
You're right next to ZhuZhiQian(Xiaoxiao author) in my book of stick-animation masters.
In view of your "mission statement", I find it hilarious for this to be beaten out by a flash called "Hentai Sim-Girl". It's just ironic on so many levels...
Anyways, nice work. It really had a bit of an epic feel to it, especially when Luigi held up the feather to the sky. It kinda fizzled after that, with all the corny Nintendo sound effects not helping at all.
Age 42
Joined on 10/30/01