Nice job!
My compliments on a job well done. Graphics and sound worked together seamlessly to create just the right atmosphere. I can't believe how few ppl have watched(and reviewed) this entry. Certainly it deserves better.
Nice job!
My compliments on a job well done. Graphics and sound worked together seamlessly to create just the right atmosphere. I can't believe how few ppl have watched(and reviewed) this entry. Certainly it deserves better.
Thank you
Calvin and Hobbes was the greatest comic strip to ever have graced the newspaper pages. Many younger viewers here might not have been born early enough to remember him before he retired in 1995, all the more reason to thank the author of this flash.
Interesting fact: Calvin and Hobbes was just as popular as Garfield, so why isn't there C&H coffee mugs, calenders, cereals, etc? The author, Bill Watterson, refused to license Calvin and Hobbes on principal, since he believed that big industry would corrupt his characters. In the process, he turned down an estimated $50 million in royalties that he would have earned over the years. To this day, all Calvin and Hobbes merchandise other than the books are pirated.
Umm... No
Just when I thought yesterday's daily feature would be the worst flash to get the award in a long time, I was proven wrong! Newground's days are numbered, if entries this badly made continue continue to beat out even crappier entries for the daily award.
Dammit Grapesclock
I thought I killed you in Clock Destroyer? What are u doing here submitting worthless crap?
Something's missing...
The graphics were great, the star wars spoofs and different consoles were witty, and the Mario 2 Tatooine brought back fond memories, but I dunno, something's missing. It just didn't make me say "whoa!!" the way Xiaoxiao 3 or Final Task or Genryu's Blade did. Think twice before you vote-was this really funnier and more badass than Xiaoxiao?
Deserves a much better score than it has now. I'll try my best to correct that =)
First Destroyer Clock, now this? You clocks are giving more air time to my Stickman Clock than yourselves! Anyways, I'm glad that you're keeping him alive, as I probaly won't be doing anything with him anymore. I look forward to the next episode!
Poor Arrogancy, all that time and effort, only to be beaten out by a character drawn on notebook paper who doesn't even have a nose....
Love the style, got a chuckle outta me.
Very pretty animation! However, I have the same problem with this as I did with Vampire Hunter Ina: most of the "action" scenes aren't framed by framed, but just tweened symbols followed by a white screen to indicate a hit, then more tweened symbols showing the results of that hit. Ever since seeing Genryu's Blade, where each slash, each kick, involved 8-9 different frames with 30-40 painstackingly placed symbols representing different body parts see from different perspectives, I just couldn't give stuff like yours a 10 anymore.
The sound was a bit lackluster, too, but hey, you made it yourself!
Please don't compare my animation to Vampire Hunter Ina. It took me too long to painstakenly draw and time those frames to compare it to a movie without ANY frame-by frame. Not to mention that the real version has voice acting, which also took frame by frame, and I did my own music instead of using some top - 50 rock song. :)
All of my punches/kicks contained AT LEAST 3-4 frames of animation from the person doing it. That's what jumps the file size up, after all.
It's incomparable to Genyu's Blade because, being a one-shot, he had enough time to do whatever he pleased. Having a series in which you have to constantly worry about file size and the timing of episodes doesn't allow you to do that. And his chracters were slightly less complex than mine, allowing him more room in his frame by frame.
Age 42
Joined on 10/30/01